Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Memories of Christmas' Past

Christmas in the 1950's was always at my grandparents house in CT. We all dressed up in our finest clothes. Back in those days I had to wear a hat, purse and shoes that matched.  First we went to church to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. After all he is the reason for all of the commotion. Yes I went to a Polish Catholic school right across the street and I know God will know if I went to church or not. After church was over we would go to my grandparents for dinner. What fun it was. Hanging out with our cousins and siblings. The food and desserts were amazing.  The turkey could have been burnt for all I know but we were having fun. The smells would bring back memories till this day. Here are a few of the things that I remember still.

Gingerbread cookies,Ribbon Candy, Turkey with all of the trimmings, cracking walnuts with a nutcracker, sneaking sips of wine when your uncle wasn't watching. I remember the year I turned 13 and I was allowed to sit at the "grownups" table. That was such a big deal.

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