Monday, April 6, 2015

What To Do With Your Leftover Jelly Beans?

Pop Culture At It's Best

Who doesn't love jelly beans? Me I prefer Jelly Bellys. I find it mentally challenging trying to match the color and flavor of these pectin filled wonders. My favs are red and black. Cherry and licorice, what more can a girl ask for. I hate the popcorn ones, they stick in my teeth. Why are the green ones always sour apples, can't they make a happy apple one. The pink bubblegum ones don't blow bubbles. The pina colada ones don't make me drunk. Who ever invented the "fart" flavor probably never tasted his own farts. And if I ate all of the orange ones will I fill my daily requirement for Vitamin C? I hope it isn't true about the red dyes being bad for you, because the redder the better. Oh well, life is to short and if you mess with the Easter bunny he won't be hopping to your house next year.
Here are some cute thoughts what to do with the jelly beans.

Booze flavored jelly beans who would have thought? 

You can be a bag of jelly beans for Halloween. 

 Jelly bean art is the best. Check out the Queen Elizabeth and the Kate and William one. Kinda cute. The Indian one is cool too.
Not to sure about the sex lube or the old books they sound pretty funky. Now the gin would go with the lime green.  And I am afraid the kids in college would use the Febreze ones as a mouthwash. 

Don't even get me started with the Peeps. Peep show anyone? 

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